Saturday 16 September 2017

12 months of Christmas cards link up Midway post - optional theme picture inspiration

12 months of Christmas cards link up midway post - optional theme picture inspiration

and our extra sponsor this month is Sparkle n Sprinkle who gave us some lovely digi stamps to use

I have used two papers from this month's paper set The Shape of Things.
Ribbon.  Precoloured digi stamp and sentiment from Sparkle n Sprinkle Seasons Greetings Digital stamp set 752.  Layered all onto pink card.

This is the inspiration photo

I have used the baubles as my inspiration.

I hope you will go over to 12 Months of Christmas cards link up and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

Remember, you don't need to follow the theme to link up your cards and earn a free paper each month, have a chance to win a special mini kit of digi papers and have your name thrown into the year end draw for some extra digital goodies. You only need to follow the theme if you want a chance to win this month's sponsored prize $15 gift certificate to the Sparkle N Sprinkle store.  Add FT after your name if you follow the theme and tell us how you were inspired by the picture.

I would like to add my card to the following:

A Snowflakes Promise 44 - anything goes

Christmas card challenges 21

C.R.A.F.T. 433 - Christmas

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly Christmas card challenge - anything Christmas

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Happy Little Stampers Christmas challenge - anything goes

The Holly and the Ivy 14 - anything Christmas


  1. Thanks for joining us at Christmas Card Challenges and good luck!
    Monica - CCC DT

  2. A lovely card. Thanks for joining CRAFT Christmas challenge. Elaine

  3. This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing Holly & Ivy.
    Janis, DT

  4. Great Christmas card Margaret. Hugs Jennifer xx

  5. I love the pastel colors and the patterned papers you used, a very unique Christmas card! Thanks for joining us at HLS September Christmas challenge!

  6. Really lovely card margaret and thanks so much for sharing with this week at craft in our Christmas challenge. Good luck

  7. Lovely creation, thank you for joining our challenge at CRAFT Challenge this week. Please also have a look at our DT call and consider applying for the position of DT member, we are a friendly bunch.

  8. I love the wonderful nontraditional colors you have chosen for your lovely card. Thanks so much for joining us at CRAFT Challenge this week!

  9. Lovely card. Thank you for playing along with the Happy Little Stampers Christmas challenge xx

  10. What a pretty color scheme for a Christmas card! It stands out! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CraftyHazelnut's Patterned Paper challenge! Hope to see you again next month!
    --Heidi, design team

  11. Great card - thanks for sharing it with us at Craftyhazelnut's Christmas Challenge Extra.

    Hope you can join us again in October.

    Helen x


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