Wednesday 18 April 2018

Pause Dream Enjoy 16 - Inspiration Photo

Pause Dream Enjoy 16 - Inspiration photos

I have used paper and precoloured elements from Digital Scrapbooking Studio When I grow up I want to be a farmer
Sentiment from We are 3 Harvest sentiments set

 This is the inspiration photo

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

Animal Friends - On the Farm (must have an animal)

Crafting by Designs - April anything goes challenge

Eclectic Ellapu - anything goes

The Rubber Buggy challenge - Spring time and/or flowers

Word Art Wednesday 330-331 - anything family friendly with a bible verse or an encouraging or uplifting sentiment

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo and love the sentiment on your card. We are farmers and this time of year, my husband would love to see the real signs of spring rather than winter. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photo card with us at The Rubber Buggy and can't wait to see your next project/card with us soon. Nancy Hill, Design Team for The Rubber Buggy


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