Tuesday 22 May 2018

Gecko Galz inspiration and reminder May challenge

It is my turn to do an inspiration and reminder post for Gecko Galz May challenge - Asian Beauty

Challenge is at

Card 1:  Two papers from Gecko Galz Cherry Blossom paper pack
Precoloured Image from Beautiful Asian Ladies Collage set
Sentiment from Sweet n Sassy Stamps Flower Sentiments set

Card 2:  Paper from Camelot paper pack
Precoloured Image from Beautiful Asian Ladies Collage set
Extra flowers and ribbon from Digital Scrapbooking Studio
Sentiment from We are 3 Birthday wishes sentiment set

Card 3:  Paper from  Gecko Galz Cherry Blossom paper pack
Precoloured Image from Beautiful Asian Ladies Collage set
Sentiment and butterflies from Sweet n Sassy Stamps New Creature Digital stamp set

I hope you will go over and join in the challenge and don't forget to get the free stamp for today.

I would like to add my cards to the following:

Always Happy Birthday - anything goes optional flowers (card 2)

A Perfect time to Craft open challenge 5 - anything goes

Crafting from the Heart 207 - anything goes

Crafty Gals Corner challenge 165 - add a flower (card 2)

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Get Creative 69 - Lots of flowers (2nd entry)

Pammies Inky Pinkies 1820 - anything goes

The Crafty Addicts 48 - anything goes/optional spring is in the air

Your Scrapbook Place - anything goes

Word Art Wednesday 334-335 - anything family friendly with an encouraging or uplifting sentiment


  1. These are all absolutely gorgeous. Nice work.
    Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Annette DT for http://aperfecttimetocraft.blogspot.com.au/

  2. Beautiful. Thanks for playing along with us at PIP Challenges.

  3. Beautiful and dreamy cards! Thanks for participating with CraftyHazelnut’s Patterned Paper challenge!
    ~~Heidi @ My Little Stamping Blog


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