Sunday 10 June 2018

Alicia Bel facebook group June challenge - movies

There is a new challenge on the Alicia Bel facebook group
The theme is Movies using an Alicia Bel digi stamp

We had to make teams of four for the challenge.  I am in the same team as last time with Lisa JannawaySusan Bennett and Bonnie Kohane - The Eyes have it.
Thank you to Bonnie who made the eyes emoticon for our team.

I have used Alicia Bel digi stamp Belle from Disney movie Beauty and the Beast.  I have coloured with chalks and markers.
3 papers are from We are 3 Sweet Sounds paper set
Added ribbon, bow, flowers and pearls.

I followed sketch 138 at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 so I would like to add my card to that challenge.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

Cardz 4 galz 73 - pretty and pearly

Crafty Catz 420 - anything goes plus optional use ribbon or twine

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Cute Card Thursday 533 - anything goes

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends 83 - anything goes

Pammies Inky Pinkies 1822 - anything goes

The Crafty Addicts 49 - Anything goes optional say it with flowers


  1. Fabulous job using that sketch. So pretty!

  2. Such a beautiful card, I adore this image!
    Many thanks for joining us at Cute Card Thursday this week!
    Deb xx

  3. What a very lovely image and such pretty colors! Thanks for sharing your creation with us at Cute Card Thursday Challenges! HUGS, *Vicki* (DT)

  4. Fantastic card. Thanks for joining us again. Hugs, Heide SSW2-DT

  5. A lovely card, the soft coloring is so pretty. Thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Catz. Lilly (DT)

  6. Great card Margaret pretty soft colours. Lovely card and thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck.

    Kathie SSW2~DT

  7. Great card! Thanks for joining us at Cardz for Galz


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