Sunday 1 July 2018

Digistamps4Joy 150 - anything goes + Summer or Winter

Digistamps4Joy 150 - anything goes with optional twist Summer or Winter

I have used 4 papers from We are 3 new paper collection for July Beach papers
Sentiment from We are 3 Sending You sentiment set
Digistamps4Joy precoloured digi stamp JL608 Ready to swim (you can buy this digi stamp coloured or black and white)
Other precoloured elements from E-Scape and Scrap endless summer

I hope you will go over to Digistamps4Joy and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I followed sketch 139 at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 so I would like to add my card to that challenge

I would also like to add my card to the following:

4 Crafty Chicks 409 - anything goes with the twist Summer is here

City Crafter 418 - seaside

Crafty Gals Corner 168 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

That's Crafty - a Summer's day challenge


  1. Perfect for the summer. Lovely card. Thanks for sharing with CHN patterned paper challenge.

  2. What a great card! Thank you so much for entering our challenge at Crafty Gals Corner Challenges this week. Be sure to join us next time too!
    CGC DT
    Scrapbookingmamaw {My Blog}
    Crafty Gals Corner Challenges

  3. Very cute :)
    thanks for joining in with us at That's Crafty!

  4. A sweet and fun card :-) - Thank you for adding it to That`s Crafty Challenge blog - DT, Dorthe


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