Wednesday 15 August 2018

Feeling Sketchy 199

Feeling Sketchy 199

Our sponsor this fortnight is Lacy Sunshine who has given us some lovely digi stamps to use.

My eyes aren't too good so I printed Lacy Sunshine digi stamp Daisy Love Buggmee large, coloured it with markers then scanned it and reduced it to fit on my card.
Layered it onto three papers from We are 3 SunFlower paper collection
Added sentiment from We are 3 Itty Bitty Birthday sentiment set
Added flowers from Digital Scrapbooking daisies for your birthday.

I hope you will go over to Feeling Sketchy and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

613 Avenue Create 212 - anything goes optional twist magic/fantasy

A Perfect Time to Craft open challenge 8 - anything goes

Crafty calendar - dots and/or stripes (I have both)

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Dragonfly Journeys 124 - flower power

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends 87 - anything goes

Love to Craft 25 - anything goes


  1. Hi Margaret! I love the bright and pretty color you chose with this little cutie of an image. Thanks so much for joining my Flower Power blog challenge and good luck :)

    Jeannie T.
    Dragonfly Journeys

  2. Beautiful card and image Margaret love the bright sunny colours---Thank you for joining us at Love to Craft
    Carol DT x

  3. Lovely card, I love the bright and cheerful colours. Thank you for joining in the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month. Good luck. xx

  4. This is so pretty love the yellow Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Michelle DT for

  5. Lovely card. Thank you very much for joining us at Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper challenge.
    Hugs, Iwona


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