Friday 21 September 2018

Creative Fingers 152 - anything goes - Reminder post

Creative Fingers 152 - anything goes - reminder post

out sponsor this month is Christine Karron who has given us some lovely images to use

I used a piece of purple paper sent to me by a friend.  The paper had flower outlines on it.  I have coloured the flowers with a white gel pen and then doodled spots and butterflies.
Printed out Christine Karron  Lily of the Valley Fairy greyscale, cut out, coloured it with chalks, white gel pen and markers and layered onto paper.
Stamped Thinking of you with Brilliance Moonlight white ink.
Layered all onto purple card.  (The scanner has made it blue not purple.)

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

Artistic Inspirations 207 - anything goes

Colour Crazy challenge week 38 - anything hand coloured

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Crafting with an attitude 43 - anything goes

The Corrosive Challenge 9 - anything goes

Through the Craftroom Door - anything goes


  1. Pretty card Margaret. Thanks for joining us at CHNC Patterned Paper Challenge this month.

  2. Wonderful!! Love the colours!! You have made her so beaturiful
    Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    HUGS Cicci
    Cicci With the Pen {welcome to visit and follow my blog}

  3. Gorgeous image and fabulous colouring-really love the doodling TBH thought it was P paper.Thank you for joining us at Colour Crazy
    Carol GDT x

  4. A beautiful fantasy card. I really like it.
    Thank you for joining the Crafting With An Attitude challenge.
    Monica C. DT CWAA

  5. Marvelous coloring on that gorgeous image, Margaret! The card has a wonderful, ethereal feel to it. Thank you so much for joining in our challenge at Colour Crazy this month and good luck in the draw.
    NanaConnie DT


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