Sunday 9 September 2018

Outlawz Songs and Rhymes - Happy birthday

Outlawz Songs and Rhymes song for this week is Happy birthday
(cards no longer need to be clean and simple-all cards to the theme are welcome)

I have used four papers from We are 3 Balloon Magic paper set
Sentiment from We are 3 Itty Bitty Birthday sentiment set
Di's Digi stamps precoloured digi stamp Birthday parade - you can also buy this as a black and white digi for you to colour.
Extra balloon and present from Digital Scrapbooking Studio

I hope you will go over and join in the challenge.

I followed the Outlawz Wednesday sketch - you may like to also join that challenge

I would like to add my card to the following:

Allsorts 484 - bears

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Cute Card Thursday 546 - anything goes

If You Give a Crafter a Cookie 102 4th anniversary celebration - anything goes

Pammies Inky Pinkies 1835 - anything goes


  1. What a really sweet card in lovely happy colours, many thanks for joining in with our 'Bears' theme at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  2. Love the sweetness of your card...this image is so cute! So glad you shared it with our challenge this week at PIP Challenges!

  3. A really cute image and a lovely layout. Thank you for joining our 'Bears' challenge at Allsorts.

    Kath x

  4. Great make, love the layout

    Thank you for sharing with us at 'If You Give A Crafter a Cookie' this fortnight
    Hugs Shell xx

  5. Sweet card! Thanks so much for participating in our IF YOU GIVE A CRAFTER A COOKIE... challenge. Hope you participate in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafty day!!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  6. Great card - thanks for sharing it with us at Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge.

    Helen x


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