Sunday 31 March 2019

Christmas card club - Santa

It was Rita's turn to pick the theme for the Christmas Card Club this fortnight and she chose Santa

I have used paper from We are 3 Peppermint paper collection (there are 8 papers in the set)
We are 3 coloured glitter tag (there are 4 different ones in the set)
Sentiment from We are 3 Happy Christmas sentiment set (there are 7 in the set)

If you would like to see the cards by the other members of the Christmas Card club their blogs are listed down the side of my blog

I followed Tuesday Morning sketch 496 so I would like to add my card to that challenge

I would also like to add my card to the following:

Aud Sentiments 223 - any sentiment except Happy birthday

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Crimbo Crackers 181- anything Christmas

Cute n Crafty Christmas 9 - anything Christmas

The Holly and Ivy 46 - anything Christmas


  1. Perfect card for my theme Margaret. Love the colouring in your card too. Hugs Rita xx

  2. He looks a lovely, cute and jolly little Santa! Lovely card.

  3. Gorgeous Margaret! This has come together beautifully!
    Great project! Fabulous that you have shared this with us here at The Holly & The Ivy. Good luck hun and do come back again!
    Jackie DT @ TH&TI

  4. Cheeky Santa and great take on the sketch. Zoe x

  5. you did a great job with the papers, such a cute card!

  6. What a fun Christmas card - I love that Santa. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  7. great cheeky Santa image Margaret...lovely card xxx

  8. Hi Margaret, thats a fab Santa image. Made a lovely card. Late this week, busy Mothers Day, lol. Hugs, Shaz X

  9. Really bright and jolly. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. Lovely card, Margaret. The Santa is really cute and I like your interpretation of the sketch. xx


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