Sunday 19 May 2019

Outlawz Sunday Songs and Rhymes - 19 May to 1 June - The Butterfly

Outlawz Sunday Songs and Rhymes - 19 May to 1 June

Find inspiration in the song or rhyme:
The Butterfly by Heather ReneƩ Adamkiewicz
As love falls down from the sky, It lands on the wings of a butterfly.
The butterfly sings its songs and rhymes, and flies through the air, no concept of time.
It is the messenger of patience and change, from flower to flower, it's odd and it's strange.
The butterfly can transform its world.
And give way to new beginnings, unfurled, it is the keeper of transformation, and flies on faith and imagination.
The butterfly as no fear of change, it bravely escapes its homemade cage.
To change, it knows is necessary, for all the burdens we need not carry.
The butterfly soars, and merrily sings, For, without change, it could never grow wings.

I have used papers, elements and word art from Digital Scrapbooking Studio Lavender Fields by Heartstrings Scrap Art.  Extra butterflies from Digital Scrapbooking Studio Lavender Fields by Simplette

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.  You can make anything you like that fits the theme.

I have followed sketch 503 at Tuesday Morning Sketches so I would like to add my card to that challenge.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

Aud Sentiments 227 - Summer + a sentiment

Crafting from the heart 243 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge

Creative Moments 168 - anything goes

QKR Stampede 348 - anything goes

The Corrosive challenge 5 - anything goes


  1. A super card. Love all the panels. Thanks for joining Aud Sentiments challenge. Elaine

  2. Margaret - this is gorgeous! I love the mix of papers and those butterflies are just so pretty. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  3. Wow! This is beautiful!!
    Thanks for playing along with us at Tuesday Morning Sketches!
    Debbie ~ TMS DT
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  4. I especially love the little girl on the swing in the corner and it is just overall a beautiful card! Thanks so much for creating with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!!

  5. Very pretty card. Love the butterflies. Thanks so much for joining us at QKR.

  6. Love the butterflies and the water droplets. So pretty. Thanks for joining us at the QKR Stampede Challenge this week. DT Kathy []


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