Thursday 5 September 2019

More Mixed Media - anything goes with optional brown

More Mixed Media - anything goes with optional brown (use a little or a lot)

I drew tree trunk and branches with brown distress marker.  Coloured background with chalks and Ecoline brush pen.  Stamped Stamp It stamp Lazy Dad with Vintage Photo distress ink.  Added leaves to the tree.  Added punched butterflies, bird brad, dog brad and mushroom brad.

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

2 Crafty Critter Crazies - anything with a critter (I have a bird, dog and butterflies)

A Perfect Time to Craft September #9 - anything goes

Arty Divas 3 - anything goes

Classic Design Team open challenge September #9 - anything goes

Lavinia World 8 - anything goes using stamps

Love to Craft 38 - anything goes

Moving along with the times 105 - Things with wings



  1. Hi this is a gorgeous card. Thank you for joining us for the Things with Wings Challenge at the Moving Along with the Times (MAWTT) Challenge blog. Hugs Jackie (DT)

  2. What a great card- so relaxed. Thank you for sharing with us at Lavinia World. We look forward to seeing more from you. Vicki-DT

  3. Margaret, this is so creative! You have shown you are a true artist with this project! Thanks for joining us at Lavinia World Challenge. Julie, DT member

  4. What a great scene you've created! Love it. So glad you shared it with us for the Lavinia World Challenges #8 :-)

  5. What a fabulous scene, Margaret, and fantastic use of those silk leaves on the tree! So happy I saw your pretty card at Lavinia World Challenges. Hope to see more of your creations in the future.
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  6. What a wonderful card, so much detail and stories going on in it, thanks for joining us at MAWTT. Xxxx

  7. Beautiful scene Margaret! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  8. Love what you have created Margaret. Fab drawing of the tree and how you created the scene with that great stamp...thank you..hugs Lozzy xx

  9. Love the dimensional aspect on this card! Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Arty Divas this week.
    Looking forward to seeing you again next challenge.
    Love Alex (PinkCraftyMama).
    Arty Divas DT
    Pink Crafty Mama {My Blog}
    Arty Divas

  10. What a fab card. Thank you for taking part in the October "Love To Craft Challenge". DT Sam x

  11. Love all your happy critters on this fun card! Someone sure is enjoying a leisurely day! Thanks for sharing with us at Lavinia World Challenges!

  12. A bird, a dog, butterflies AND a cat! You go girl!!! Cuteness - so glad you shared it! Thanks for joining us at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies!

  13. Such a creative way to incorporate so many tones of brown. Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Lina DT for

  14. Very cleverly done - you've created a fabulous scene.

    Thanks for joining us at the Love to Craft Challenge Blog.

    Helen x

  15. That looks like a very relaxing way to spend the afternoon! I love your stripy butterflies all flying in formation.
    Alison x


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