Wednesday 11 September 2019

Not Just Cards (cards also welcome) September challenge - anything goes

Not Just Cards (cards also welcome) September challenge - anything goes

I have made a bookmark this month - I have 100s of rubber and clear stamps that I don't use much now as digital stamps are much easier on my sore hands but I decided I would try using stamps for this and found an old clear set by Lavinia Stamps in one of my drawers of clear stamps.  There is no name of the set it is just marked Lavinia Stamps

I cut gloss card into shape of bookmark and sponged it with Brilliance ink pads.  Stamped the stamps from the Lavinia Stamps set with different stamp pads.

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect time to Craft September #9 - anything goes

Classic Design team open challenge September #9 - anything goes

Crafters Cafe blog challenge 226 - fairies/mythical creatures

Crafting with an Attitude 55 - anything goes

Lavinia World challenge 9 - anything with rubber or clear stamp

Love to Scrap 125 - anything goes

QKR Stampede 362 - anything goes

Scrapping 4 Fun 148 - Silhouettes

Simply Create Too 153 - anything goes (entry 1)

The Fairy and the Unicorn - anything goes as long as it is a fantasy creation


  1. Lovely Bookmark. Thanks or playing along with us at The Fairy and The Unicorn. Lisa DT

  2. Pretty card. Thanks for entering your wonderful creation at The Crafter's Cafe this fortnight for our "Fantasy or recycle" challenge.

  3. I really like the background you have created for this image.
    I too have so many stamps I seldom use - for me, the colored digis are much better due to poor eyesight. this one worked well for you! Thanks for joining us at the current Crafter's Cafe challenge
    Dorothy S, DT member

  4. What a lovely and fun bookmark. Freya looks so beautiful spreading a little of her fairy dust around. You've used one of my very favourite sentiments. Isn't it a wonderful wish? Love it!
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at Lavinia World Challenges. We hope to see you again next time. Have a wonderful day.
    ♥ Lena ~ DT
    Lavinia World
    Lena’s Creations

  5. Beautiful tag, love the stamp
    Thank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges.
    Rachelle DT

  6. Beautiful bookmark.

    Thank you for your joining in at Scrapping4funChallenges.
    Val DT

  7. Thank you for sharing with us over here today at the Classic Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry its a beauty Monique DTmember

  8. Beautiful bookmark, Margaret! Such a darling background to match your sweet image! So happy I saw your pretty card at Lavinia World Challenges . Hope to see more of your creations in the future.
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  9. Thank you for playing along with Lavinia world challenges! Love your card!

  10. Margaret, I was so tickled to see you linked up again at Lavinia World Challenges. This is amazing! You are such an inspiration to me! Thanks for joining us! Julie O, Lavinia World DT member

  11. So pretty. Thanks for playing along with Lavinia World challenges.

  12. Such a lovely bookmark! I am sure it will bring a smile to whomever uses it as a bookmark! Looks pretty enough to be framed though! Thanks for sharing with us at Lavinia World Challenges!

  13. What a lovely tag with the watercolour technique.
    Thank you for sharing with us over here at "A Perfect Time To Craft" and best of luck with your entry.

    Lina DT for

  14. Such a lovely bookmark. I'm so glad you dusted off your clear stamps as Freya looks wonderful sprinkling her fairy dust around. So glad you shared your bookmark with us for the Lavinia World Challenges #9. :-)

  15. Such a sweet book mark! Thank You for joining us at Simply Create Too
    Robin DY Member Simply Create Too

  16. This is such a sweet card! Thanks for sharing your card at Love To Scrap! Challenge Blog! Hope to see you again soon!! HUGS!
    Ann DT


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