Wednesday 13 May 2020

Try Stampin on Tuesday 456 - sketch

Try Stampin on Tuesday 456 - sketch
use the technique or sketch or both - have used the sketch

I have used coloured picture from Gecko Galz Stitch in Time collage set
2 papers, sentiment, sewing machine and button elements from Digital Scrapbooking Studio Patchwork by Manu Scraps.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft open challenge for May #5-2020 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge May 2020 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's monthly pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Pammies Inky Pinkies 2019 - anything goes

Through the Craftroom Door - anything goes

Try it on Tuesday - Lovely ladies


  1. Beautiful vintage card, love the image. I still have my mother in laws old Singer sewing machine.
    Linda xxx

  2. What a fun picture with its stitchy layers! Love the bold vintage coloring! Thanks so much for playing at TSOT!

  3. Lovely design really took me back my mother in law had a singer treadle machine just like that love and hugs Carole x

  4. Love this vintage image-really nice

  5. Fantastic vintage card. Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday.

  6. Love how you combined the quilt background paper with the nostalgic sewing image, Margaret!The little sewing machine embellishment is so cute! Thank you for sharing your creative talents again with us at Try Stampin' on Tuesday!!! -Donna

  7. Beautiful page! I love the vintage style and the ladies look like they are having fun sewing together - gorgeous 😁. Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Try it on Tuesday! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  8. A vintage card, for sure! Lots of great elements. Thanks very much for sharing this with us at PIP Challenges this week!

  9. This is a great layout Margaret. I love your colour choice too.
    Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl
    Cat Crazy Craft Corner {My Blog}

  10. Wonderful design. I am sorry I am so late commenting but I have and computer issues and no one available to fix it. Thank you for sharing your project with us at Crazy Hazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge. Myrna S. Design Team Member. Please also join us for our weekly Crafty Hazelnut’s Christmas Card Challenge at


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