Monday 15 June 2020

Will be missing for a while - having eye surgery this morning (Friday 12 June)

I am having my next eye surgery this morning (Friday 12 June).  I will be leaving soon as I have to be there by 8 am.   I will have to stay off the computer for a while.   I have my design team cards scheduled to post on the days they are due but I won't be able to join challenges or approve comments until I can go back on the computer.
Best wishes everyone.


  1. I pray your surgery was a success and that you heal nicely. [Bunny]

  2. Hello Margaret, I hope all goes well with your surgery, and you'll be back here soon, take care, Kate x

  3. I hope all went well with your eye surgery.
    Linda xxx


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I have had to put comment moderation onto my blog as I had some spam messages. I will approve messages as soon as possible.
Anonymous messages are not allowed on this blog.