Sunday 30 January 2022

Baby Boy card for my grand daughter

 My eldest grand daughter had a baby boy on Thursday.  He was breach so she had to have a caesarean.  There were some complications so he spent the first day in intensive care.  They went home yesterday (Saturday).    I  have made a card for her

I used papers and precoloured elements from Digital Scrapbooking Studio Precious Baby Boy by Let Me Scrapbook.

I followed Creative Moments Sketch challenge 230


  1. All the best to your daughter and grandson. Your card is adorable. Thanks for sharing with us at Creative Moments.

  2. oh all the best for them!
    great card!

  3. Isn´t that sweet! A baby card with a little baer represented as a captain. Very good idea as most of the boys I know wanted to be a captain at any time. I also love how you presented the bricks with the letters on. Very amazing colours as well. Your card is perfect.
    Thanks a lot for sharing your card with the EAC challenge and all the best for your granddaughter and her little boy.
    Hugs Uschi

  4. A lovely card and I wish your granddaughter and her son all the best! Thanks for sharing at EAC! Christin


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