Saturday 5 February 2022

Atlantic Hearts Sketch 458 and Double Trouble 102

 Atlantic Hearts Sketch 458

partnered with Double Trouble 102 - something anything

I have used We are 3 papers from Bumble Bee paper set
We are 3 precoloured digi stamp Honey Bee
We are 3 sentiement from Harvest sentiment set

This is the sketch

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for February #2-2022 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge for February 2022 #2 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

If  you give a Crafter a Cookie - Cookie challenge 165 (bees and flowers)


  1. Adorable card and interpretation of the sketch and love the precolored image and the combination of design papers you used in the background. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble and one of our previous partners Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenges.

  2. Also saw that you shared with another previous partner of ours If You Give a Crafter a Cookie, and have earned another chance at our random draw.

  3. Very cute - love the bee theme and the honeycomb patterns. Thanks for sharing with us at both Double Trouble and Atlantic Hearts :)

  4. Awesome and cheerful card! I do love those papers and sweet Bumblebee. Thanks for sharing your lovely project with us at Pammie's Inky Pinkies. Donna

  5. The little bee is so cute and the background papers are really wonderful. Thank you for joining us at the Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge and hope you can join us again soon!.
    Anna, Design Team

  6. A very fun card - that image is so cute! Thank you for joining us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge this week.

  7. I love the honeycomb backgrounds with the bee, super cute and that bee is adorable! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC

  8. Great use of our sketch! Cute theme, too. Thanks for sharing at Atlantic Hearts.

  9. always love a honey/hex/bee theme! great job with the sketch. Thank you for joining us at Atlantic Hearts sketch challenge. Good luck!


  10. Absolutely beautiful work. Thank you for sharing in our challenge at Classic Design Challenge we really appreciate you joining in.

    Annette DT

  11. So sweet!! Thanks so much for participating in my IF YOU GIVE A CRAFTER A COOKIE... challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Stay safe and healthy!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper


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