Wednesday 2 March 2022

The Paper Shelter 501 - one for the boys

 The Paper Shelter 501 - One for the boys

I used The Paper Shelter  precoloured Sleepy Time Bear and Little Cowboy paper pack
We are 3 Sentiment from All Occasion sentiment set
Ribbon from Scrap Graphics

I followed sketch No 544 at Try Stampin or Not on Tuesday

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for March #3 2022 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge for March 2022 #3 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper


  1. Fabulous paper choice for this adorable image Margaret, and I love the sketch you followed. Such a great card!

  2. Your card is adorable! I love the choice of background paper because it gives that night-time sky kind of look to go with the sleepy time bear! Too cute! (And you've followed the sketch perfectly!)

  3. Such a fun interpretation of our TSOT sketch, Margaret! Love the sleepy bear and the pattern paper you chose for the background!! Thank you for sharing him with us!!! -Donna

  4. Such a great take on the sketch ... and that bear make me smile Margaret ~ thank you for joining us at TSOT ~ Denise DT

  5. Oh how cute.
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge blog.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT


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