Friday 1 April 2022

Scrapping 4 Fun - Spring

 I was happy to be picked as one of the top 5 for challenge 208 at Scrapping 4 Fun and was invited to be a guest designer for challenge 211 - spring

I layered Polkadoodles coloured digi stamp Daffodil Darling Bud onto Polkadoodles paper from Blooms 2 daffodil flower bundle added sentiment and extra daffodils from same set.
Added butterflies from Blooms Butterfly bundle (I changed the colour of the butterflies)

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for April #4 2022 - anything goes

Classic Design 6th birthday challenge April 2022 #4 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Cardz 4 Galz 169 - spring flowers


  1. Beautiful card! I love the yellow and the pretty image! Cute sentiment!
    Thank you for your GD Creation at Scrapping4funChallenges.
    Rachelle DT

  2. Lovely card.
    Thanks for joining us at Craftyhazelnuts patterned paper challenge blog.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT

  3. Beautiful Margaret..

    Thank you for sharing with us over here today at the Classic Open Design Team Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Chrissy DT

  4. What a fabulous card! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday, Chrisx

  5. A very pretty card for our challenge. Thanks for sharing with us at Cardz 4 Galz. We look forward to you entering our challenges, Caz. DT.

  6. Love the sunny yellows and daffs are perfect for our challenge. Thanks for joining us at Cardz4galz. Love Dawn x


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