Sunday 4 September 2022

Christmas Club - kraft card

 It was Margaret's turn to pick the theme for the Christmas club this fortnight and she picked kraft card.
Unfortunately I can't make a hand made card today so I have made a digital card using digital kraft paper.

I have been having problems seeing even after my 4 eye operations over the past two years for the glaucoma. I saw the eye specialist on Friday for my 6 month check up and the pressure was up too high on my good left eye. Also the macular degeneration has turned wet and I have a red growth on my left eye. I had to have an injection in my eye and will have to have injections every four weeks. Hopefully they will work.

I used kraft digital paper from Digital Scrapbooking Studio Rainbow Connection by Butterfly design
Ribbon From Scap Graphics
We are 3 coloured printable from Christmas Fun printables set
We we 3 sentiment from Happy Christmas sentiment set

If you would like to see the cards by the other members of the Christmas Club later their blogs are listed down the side of my blog.

I followed the August 30 sketch at Tuesday Morning Sketches

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for September #9 2022 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge September 2022 #9 - anything goes

Colorful Options - beautiful brown

Crafty Hazelnut's pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

Outlawz Festive Friday has 4 themes - this card is for Christmas theme

Peace on Earth 23 - anything Christmas

Through the Craftroom Door anything goes challenge 30/8/2022

Winter Wonderland - Christmas animals


  1. An Absolutely adorably cute card, a pretty and fun digital. I wish you the best outcome on your eyes and that things get better for you soon! Thank you for joining our challenge at Peace On Earth!
    Diane POE Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Peace On Earth}

  2. A great card for our theme this week at the CCC, I hope the treatment you are having for your eyes helps to improve things for you soon.

  3. Pretty card. That is a cute Rudolph inside the wreath. So sorry about your eye problems. Hopefully the treatments will help. My Mom had similar problems and I know how much she hated giving up her creativeness. I am glad you could still create a digital card. Thank you for joining at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  4. Pretty card!

    I hope your eye will heal well.

    Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  5. Me again, thanks so much for sharing your beautiful and fun card with us at Colorful Options
    Diane CO DT
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Colorful Options}

  6. So sorry to hear that your eyes are still giving you trouble Margaret, I hope these injections help you.
    Your card is so very cute, Kate x

  7. Awww.... your reindeer is too cute! Thank you for sharing with us at the Colorful Options Challenge! Good Luck! I hope to see you again soon! Cheers, Makira

  8. Super cute card!
    Thanks for playing along this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches
    Debbie - TMS DT
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  9. This card is gorgeous with that super cute reindeer. I hope with these injections your eye heals. Hugs, María.

  10. Very pretty Christmas card Margaret. I love your image!! Thank you for joining the Festive Friday Outlawz challenges.

  11. I love the natural colours and Rudolph is adorable. Thank you for sharing at TTCRD.

  12. I love this little reindeer and the paper bag background looks fantastic! Awesomeness! Thanks for playing with us at The Outlawz Festive Friday Challenge! Nan, DT

  13. Such a cute design - love the sketch you followed.

    Thanks for joining us at the Festive Fridays Challenge.

    Helen x


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