Tuesday 27 September 2022

Farm Quest 12 - Porch furniture and/or quilt

Farm Quest 12 - Porch furniture and/or quilt

I have made a scrapbook page of the quilt my youngest daughter made for my eldest daughter.
Papers are from Digital Scrapbooking Studio Quilting Bee collection by Aimee Harrison.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for September #9 2022 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge September 2022 #9 - anything goes

Crafty Hazelnut's pattern paper challenge - anything with pattern paper

D.L. Art September 2022 linky challenge - anything goes

Pammies Inky Pinkies 2239 - anything goes


  1. This is fantastic and shows what you can do with the topic in other formats like scrapbook layouts!! Thanks for participating and supporting FarmQuest! --Becca/owner

  2. What a nice idea to make a scrapbook page of the quilt. Turned out great. Thanks for playing along with us at PIP Challenges.


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