Sunday 19 March 2023

Christmas Card Club 6 - Santa

 The theme for the Christmas Card Club this fortnight is Santa

I used Gecko Galz green and red papers from Christmas Past Digital ATC set
Gecko Galz Christmas present paper, coloured picture and medallion from Christmas Dreams Digital Craft kit

If you would like to see the cards by the other members of the Christmas Card Club later today their blogs are listed down the side of my blog.

I followed Tuesday Morning sketch 699

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for March #3 2023 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge March 2023 #3 - anything goes

Happy Little Stampers Christmas challenge - anything goes

Outlawz Festive Friday has 4 themes - this card is for Christmas theme

Peace on Earth Christmas 36 - anything goes


  1. A lovely card Margaret, love the traditional look, Kate x

  2. A lovely vintage image for this card Margaret.

  3. Very pretty Christmas card. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  4. A great vintage image and design!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Peace On Earth!
    Diane POE Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Peace On Earth}
    {Stencil Fun}

  5. I love your vintage card, it is lovely. Thanks for joining the Outlawz Festive Friday challenge.

  6. Beautiful creation thank you for joining in over at POEC this time. Do join in again we would love to see you there Elaine DT x


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