Friday 16 June 2023

My Time to Craft 510 - Travel

My Time to Craft 510 - Travel

I layered Jan's Digi stamps coloured digi stamps and sentiment from  Pirate Life set onto We are 3 paper from Oceania paper set
(Pirate Life is one of Jan's new stamp sets and is on special this month)
Added scallop border from Digital Scrapbooking Studio

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I followed sketch 610 at Try Stampin or not on Tuesday (I rotated the sketch)

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for June  #6 2023 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge June #6 2023 - anything goes

Everybody Art 538 - means of transport

Fab n Funky 575 - use a sentiment

Jan's Digi Stamps June challenge - anything goes

Pammies Inky Pinkies 2323 - anything goes


  1. Handsome composition, Margaret! Thank you for sharing your Summertime creation and showcasing "Pirates" with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge.
    Good Luck!
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  2. Granmargaret, thanks so much for showcasing Pirate Life and creating such a lovely card. Thanks for your support of the Jan's Digi Stamps Challenge by playing along.
    Donna xx

  3. Wow, that´s a great card full of fun and adventure. I´m really surprised to see a raft on your card for I never thought about it. I really love it. It looks so wonderful with those two little pirats and the paraket. A wonderful colouring makes your card really special. And I adore your design with the treasure card and these many details.
    Thank you very much for presenting this stunning card at the Everybody-Art-Challenge.
    Hug Uschi

  4. I love how you've played with the sketch to create this super fun card. That sentiment is great. Hugs, María.

  5. Margaret, what a cute pirate card you created using our TSOT sketch! I really like the map panel against that bokeh ocean background!! Thank you so much for joining us to share your fun card!!! -Donna

  6. fabulous, thanks for joining us at FnF this week :)


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