Sunday 9 July 2023

Christmas Card Club - Christmas Penguins

The theme for the Christmas Card Club this fortnight is Christmas Penguins

I have used We are 3 papers from Snow Fall paper set
We are 3 sentiment from Happy Christmas sentiment set
The Paper Shelter precoloured digi stamp and background from Here come the Christmas penguins

If you would like to see the cards by the other members of the Christmas Club later today their blogs are listed down the side of my blog.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

52 Christmas Card Throwdown colour challenge - blue and red

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for July #7 2023 - anything goes

Christmas with the Cuties - something with fur or feathers

Classic Design challenge June #7 2023 - anything goes

Happy Little Stampers Christmas challenge - anything Christmas

Inkspirational - word prompt - Christmas in July

Peace on Earth 43 - anything Christmas


  1. This is absolutely just the cutest, love the image and the pretty colors too!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Peace On Earth!
    Diane POE Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Peace On Earth}
    {Triple B}
    {Simply Clean & Simple} NEW

  2. Me again, thank you for sharing your cute and fun card with us at Sketch Saturday!!
    Diane SS DT
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Sketch Saturday}

  3. What a fun image Margaret, a brilliant card for the challenge, Kate x

  4. A fun card for our challenge this week.

  5. Fun and colourful and lvoe the snowflake papers. Thanks for joining in at Inkspirational.

  6. Very cute card. Penguins are extremely likeable. :D

  7. Granmargaret, Your card is just so cute and has such interesting details. The snowman and penguin are so adorable. Thanks for sharing your awesome creation with us at 52 CCT this week. Smiles, Kathy DT

  8. Christmas penguins are always so cute!!! Great card. Thanks so much for playing with us at the HLS Christmas challenge!

  9. Beautiful card! You used the colours very nicely! Thanks for playing at 52 CCT challange.


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