Thursday 20 June 2024

Gecko Galz Fantasy challenge

Every month Gecko Galz gives a free image to join the Fantasy challenge

I layered the free fantasy image onto Gecko Galz papers from Summer Days ATC set
Added bow and button from Digital Scrapbooking Studio,

I followed Tuesday Morning Sketches 761

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge June #6 2024 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge 06 2024 June-July - anything goes with optional twist fancy folds


  1. Whoa that is one of the prettiest grown up mermaids ever!! We at Tuesday Morning Sketches always LOVE having you create along with us Granmargaret!!

  2. Wow! Your card is stunning! Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  3. You find the coolest images. Loving all those blues. Very pretty card.Thank you for joining Tuesday Morining Sketches.

  4. Fabulous card! I just love what you do with these GG images! Thanks for playing at Tuesday Morning Sketches Challenge. Debi TMS DT


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