Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Farm Quest 64 - Frozen pond or creek

 Farm Quest 64 - Frozen pond or creek

I used WondersArtist mini clip art from Snow Animals clip art bundle
WondersArtist paper from Northern Lights paper set
We are 3 sentiment.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

Classic Design challenge 11 2024 Nov-Dec - anything goes with optional twist bells and baubles

DL.Art November Linky challenge - anything goes

Dragonfly Dreams - Winter Birthday

Outlawz Tuesday Colour challenge - Monochrome red or any other colour

1 comment:

  1. Amazing wintery wonderland card!!!! Excellent pairing of the images for background and focal! Stunning frozen pond entry for FQCB #64! Thanks! -- Becca


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