Saturday, 1 February 2025

Halloween and other occasions crafts all year round 24 - card 2 birthday

 Halloween and other occasions crafts all year round 23 has 3 options

Always Halloween, Always Birthdays and for this month valentine/cats/and or dogs

This is my second card - birthday

WondersArtist Mini clip art from Birthday Wreaths clip art set
Scalloped frame from Pininkie
Typed sentiment in Wordart

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would also like to add my card to the following:

A Perfect Time to Craft Open challenge for February #2  2025 - anything goes

Classic Design challenge #01 2025 Jan-Feb - anything goes with optional twist winter fun

Outlawz Wednesday Sketch - shape circle.  Cue cute


  1. Such an adorable teddy bear! I love it! Great card! Thanks so much for entering our Wednesday Sketch Challenge at The Outlawz Challenges
    Cara, Design Team {My Personal Blog}

  2. What a beautiful and cute images Margaret! Than ks for joining us at Outlawz Sketch this time
    Andrea x


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