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About Me

Welcome to my blog

I started this blog in April 2012 so I could join Challenges. I am now on some design teams. I hope you like my cards. I started stamping in 1995 but my cards are still mostly cute.
Thank you to those who have joined as followers and to those who comment.
Unfortunately because of spammers I have had to put moderation on the comments. I will approve them as soon as possible, this also means I don't miss any.
I don't always get a chance to reply to all comments but I read them all when I approve them and I really appreciate you taking the time to give your comment.
The lovely banner was made especially for me by Amanda at Faery Ink Art & Design when I won her first blog challenge. family:";">

2025 - Now due to my sore hands and bad eyes I make mostly digital cards and scrapbook pages.

Post Pals cards for sick children

Post Pals - Putting a Smile on Childrens Faces

Thursday, 14 June 2012

My card was in the top 4 for Feeling Sketchy No 10

I was thrilled to find out my card for Feeling Sketchy challenge No 10 was picked for the top 4.  I am enjoying doing the challenges as they are giving me new ideas for my cards


Arabella said...



Granmargaret said...

Thank you Arabella

Unknown said...

Congats Mum!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats hon///I am with you there as I feel the same. I care for my nearly 100 yr old dad so mojo went out the door for a while, these challenges, whether you win or lose are an inspiration. Keep up the great work...hugs, Annie♥

Granmargaret said...

Thank you Angela

Granmargaret said...

Thanks Annie. I understand how hard it is for you. I looked after my mum and dad for some time before they had to go into a nursing home for professional care. They are both now in heaven.