Friday 7 September 2018

Creative Fingers 152 - anything goes

Creative Fingers 152 - anything goes

and our sponsor this month is
Christine Karron who has given us some lovely images to use

I printed Christine Karron Blueberry Fairy grayscale coloring page and coloured it with chalks and markers. (Found the name after I coloured it so have used the wrong colour for the berries.)
I have been having laser treatment on my eyes so I am not seeing too well.
Layered onto blue card which I embossed with Crafts Too butterflies embossing folder.
Added happy birthday stamp and rhinestones.
Layered all onto red card.

I hope you will go over and see the lovely work by the design team and join in the challenge.

I would like to add my card to the following:

Crafty Gals Corner 173 - anything goes
Create and Makes 24 - anything goes


  1. It’s lovely I like that you colored the little red things on her hair.

  2. I love the soft colouring of the image. Fabulous. Thanks for joining us at ‘If you give a crafter a cookie’. Jonnece DT

  3. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Eclectic Ellapu, good luck!!! Amy D

  4. What a lovely birthday card! Thank you so much for entering our challenge at Crafty Gals Corner Challenges this week. Be sure to join us next time too!
    CGC DT
    Scrapbookingmamaw {My Blog}
    Crafty Gals Corner Challenges

  5. Love the subtle coloring on this lovely card .. This image is so very sweet ... Thank you for joining in on the IF YOU GIVE A CRAFTER A COOKIE Challenge !! Please join us again !! Debra Davison / Design Team

  6. Very pretty card. Love the images and beautifully coloured. Thanks for joining us at Daisy Chain Challenges this month and good luck Michelle x

  7. Your card is so beautiful and very feminine. I love the intricate composition and beautiful embossed background.
    Thank you for joining our fun in Crafting With An Attitude.
    BożenA DT CWAA

  8. Beautiful card. Stunning design and colours. Thank you for joining us at Eclectic Ellapu this month. Judy DT


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